Perform a command serially in Capistrano
Capistrano is a great tool for doing software deployments and other system maintenance tasks (although for anything larger, I’d recommend Chef). One small Capistrano issue I ran into this week is that there’s no way to run a command in serial across multiple machines (commands are always run in parallel). You might want to do this if you need to make sure that at least one service in a group is available at all times, or if the service restarting is going to put some load on another resource such as a database.
Here’s the solution I came up with:
desc "Do a rolling restart of <service>"
deploy.task :restart do
hosts = self.roles[:server].to_ary # change :server to your role
num_hosts = hosts.size
hosts.each_with_index do |host, i|
puts "Restarting <service> on #{host} (#{i+1} of #{num_hosts})"
sudo "/etc/init.d/<sevice> restart", :hosts => host
if i < num_hosts-1
puts "Waiting 3s before next host."